This policy is only valid within 30 days after your purchase date.This policy does not apply to auction sites, closeouts, clearance sales, misprints, giveaways, special promotions or discount offers and may not be used in conjunction with any other The Power Tool Store offers or coupons. Our Drawer Dividers for the PACKOUT 2-Drawer Tool Box allow you to customise your storage to perfectly suit your needs.Product must be in stock and an identical item.The seller must be an authorized retail dealer.We will review the information, issue credit (if applicable), and get back to you within two business days.
Milwaukee tool box drawer dividers manual#
In the event of finding a lower price, use our Contact Us form and include the following information for verification: Your order number, date of purchase, product number of item as well as the competitor's website and price. Quick-Adjust Dividers (Includes 1 set of dividers) Includes: (1) PACKOUT 3-Drawer Tool Box (48-22-8443), (1) Drawer Dividers for PACKOUT 3-Drawer Tool Box (48-22-8473) Manual Complete Milwaukee Warranty ENFR.pdf The Home Depot will provide an accessible format of PDFs upon request. We reserve the right to verify current and net prices in these situations. If you see the exact item currently advertised for less (including the competitor's shipping and handling charges, taxes or any other hidden charges) we should be able to match that price. Our product is priced as low as possible. The adjustable drawer dividers are designed for. From time to time we are not always able to see what the competition is doing. The Milwaukee Drawer Dividers for the PACKOUT 3-Drawer Tool Box allows users to customize their storage.

At The Power Tool Store we pride ourselves on offering you the best selection of tools, equipment and supplies in the industry at guaranteed low prices.